2024 Adventure Series Guidelines


Rules of the Peloton

To complete a route, you may start and end at any location you prefer, as long as you ride the entire route. Many of the routes are out-n-backs or loops that have an obvious departure point, and the bikes routes page gives recommendations for starting/ending locations. The route can also be a portion of a longer ride, as long as the route is completely fulfilled in your ride.

This is a ride-at-your-own-risk adventure series. By logging-in and submitting a ride you agree to waive all liability for injuries that may occur. Please be safe out there, obey all traffic rules, and most of all have fun!

This is a cycling adventure series, all rides must be completed on a bicycle. To keep things fair, e-bikes will not be allowed. If there is enough interest, e-bikes may be included in the future.

Record Keeping

After completing a route, submit your ride through your dashboard page for verification (you must be logged-in). Follow the instructions on the "Submit Your Ride" form. To make route submission easier, this year we implemented a drop-down to select your Strava ride. IMPORTANT, in order to submit a ride it must be one of your last five Strava activities, activities further than five rides will not be shown. If you wish to submit a ride further than five activities please contact us and we will try to accommodate. All rides must be verified through your submitted Strava link, no exceptions. Rides must be set to public on Strava in order to be verified. All submitted rides will be shown on your dashboard, and verified rides will be included on the leaderboard page. Be sure to join the RAC Strava Group so other group members can see your rides!

Route Difficulty / Scoring

Route difficulty is a subjective topic, so we are using a moderately simple method for point calculation. Based on our experience, an average ride for fit cyclists in Humboldt is about 1,000 feet of elevation for every 10 miles, or 100 feet of elevation per mile. Although this is generally higher than most areas, it's pretty typical in Humboldt and used as middle of the road for scoring. Additionally, raw miles and elevation are used to help score the final points of the routes. Although we understand that other factors such as road surface, placement of climbs, wind, etc. can greatly affect the difficulty of the route, those factors are more difficult to calculate. The following tables explain how each route is scored, but please use these as a general guide to the difficulty. Some people will find these easier or more difficult than the rating given.

Mileage Points
< 25 10
25-50 20
50-75 30
75-100 40
> 100 50
Elevation (ft.) Points
< 2,000 10
2,000-4,000 20
4,000-7,000 30
7,000-10,000 40
> 10,000 50
Ratio (feet/mile) Points
<= 40 10
41-80 20
81-120 30
121-160 40
> 160 50
Overall Points Description
<= 40 Easy
50-70 Moderate
80-100 Difficult
110-120 Very Difficult
> 130 Epic


Route Completion: Each route is assigned a total point value as described above. Route details, including points, can be seen on the Bike Routes page.

Attackers: The first, second and third finishers of each route will receive +5, +3, and +1 bonus points respectively (awarded for both gender categories). Important - this is based on submission date not ride date so be sure to submit your route soon after completion. The leaderboard page shows attacker points awarded; use these points to strategize total overall points.

Time Bonus: There are no time bonuses for the regular Adventure Series, however we will occasionally host Strava Segment challenges for prizes. Join our Strava Group to be informed when these happen.


Prizes for both W/T/F (women/trans/femme) and Male categories will be earned as follows:

Other prizes:

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